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OCZ lanseaza seria CORE 2.5-inch SATA II SSD

Tuesday, 1 July 2008

OCZ Technology Group a lansat astazi seria Core de drive-uri SSD SATA II 2.5-inch.

OCZ CORE series SSD 2.5-inch SATA II drive
Seria CORE ofera performanta si fiabilitatea drive-urilor SSD la un pret pe gigabyte cu 50% mai mic decat al competiei. Astfel OCZ ofera solutii accesibile si mai performante decat traditionalele hard-disk-uri (cu parti mecanice).

"SSDs offer higher performance, reliability, and energy efficiency than conventional HDDs but the cost variance has limited adoption of vastly superior SSD technology, until now," said Ryan Petersen, CEO of OCZ Technology. "It is our mission to deliver the highest performance products to consumers at reasonable prices, and with the release of the Core Series SSDs we have done exactly that."

OCZ Core Series Solid State Drives enable enhanced productivity in everyday computing and intensive multi-tasking applications. Perfect for notebooks, the Core Series is ideal for energy-efficient mobile computing to extend battery life, increase access time, and provide a durable alternative to conventional hard disc drives with superior shock resistance. High capacities and low power consuming NAND flash technology provide the necessary performance and battery life boosts generated by the proliferation of mobile gaming and new ultra-thin laptops. With fast access and seek times combined with excellent reliability, the OCZ Core Series SSDs are the answer for consumers demanding this latest storage technology.

Noile drive-uri SSD din seria CORE au o durata medie de viata de 1.5 milioane de ore si vin cu o garantie de 2 ani.

Din aceasta serie sunt disponibile "discuri" cu capacitati de 32GB, 64GB, si 128GB ce pot atinge uimitoarele rate de transfer de 120-143Mbs, respectiv 80-93Mbs pentru citire/scriere si timpi de acces mai mici de 0.35ms.

Preturile recomandate de producator sunt de 169$, 259$ si 479$ pentru versiunile cu 32GB, 64GB si 128GB.

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